Sunday Aug 11, 2019
Sunday Aug 11, 2019
This is my thoughts on a list from a notable Survival Blogger, in theory, the idea of a list is awesome, but what on that list is critical.
Let's take a look and see, shall we?
Ammo Storage Video Mentioned in this Podcast
Most of my podcasts are Rated (R)
If bad language offends your sensibilities, by all means, go back down to your parent's basement.
Thursday Aug 08, 2019
Same Shit, Different Hook, Part 1, it's all just lists full of Yeah Dah | PGP079
Thursday Aug 08, 2019
Thursday Aug 08, 2019
Why I call these re-hashed lists of must-haves just "dah". Do we as a community gain anything from these regurgitated myths, and How do we teach newbies anything when we are just saying the same old shit?
Most of my podcasts are Rated (R)
If bad language offends your sensibilities, by all means, go back down to your parent's basement.
Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
The DNC Circus is back in Town || North Korea Fires 2 Missiles
Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
The Circus has come and gone...again but brought the same old tried Cast and Message, "America is Racist", then the DNC try and block Andrew Yang from 3rd debate, "The DNC has revoked our 2nd qualifying poll", Tweeted Andrew Yang.
North Korea fired two short-range ballistic missiles off its east coast, they're just upset that we didn't invite them to play War Games is all.
Monday Jul 29, 2019
Trump's battle of Wits with the unarmed Media | 2KG's 024 07/28/19
Monday Jul 29, 2019
Monday Jul 29, 2019
Will the Democrats ever get back to our Country's Real Problems?
What really happened during this "Testimony" of Mueller anyway? This was a Hell-Mary pass that was intercepted, causing a TD Trump is what that was. When will the Democrats ever get back to our Country's Real Problems?
Thursday Jul 25, 2019
The Mueller Testimony caused a disturbance in the Force
Thursday Jul 25, 2019
Thursday Jul 25, 2019
What really happened during this "Testimony" of Mueller anyway? This was a Hell-Mary pass that was intercepted, causing a TD for Trump is what that was.
Most of my podcasts are Rated (R)
If bad language offends your sensibilities, by all means, go back down to your parent's basement.
Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
Back Pain, My take on Religion, and a partial Book Review || PGP077
Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
So I hurt my back this weekend and thought I would discuss what I have learned about lower back pain over the years. The Disc was not herniated, so I was able to self treat the problem.
During my time on the floor dealing with back pain I got to listen to Mark Levin and Pastor Haggy, I got to thinking about religion and wanted to chat about that for a bit.
Also a quick partial Book Review on Book 3 of "The Commune" Series.
https://amzn.to/2lfETht link to The Commune
Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
Save Our Republic-Overview | SOR002 07/16/19
Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
We Are The Change We Have Been Waiting For.
I hate to give credit to a Socialist, community organizer like our last President Obama But, we are.
If we as patriotic Americans don't do something other than piss and moan what good are we? There are things we can do to change things, lots of things, but we must Stand and get in the fight.
Here is my Simple Plan, or an overview at least, the next few podcasts will cover some of the Players we need in this new game of whack-a-mole. This time though, we are not the moles that get whacked.
Most of my podcasts are Rated (R)
If bad language offends your sensibilities, by all means, go back down to your parent's basement.
Thursday Jul 11, 2019
Politicians don't care about their constituents, and that is You. PGP076 Rated(R)
Thursday Jul 11, 2019
Thursday Jul 11, 2019
When our elected leaders fail to act on our behalf, they are telling us in no uncertain terms that they don't care about you and me. Just take a look around, what do you see, hatred and dismissal, we are unimportant and irrelevant. The saddest part to this equation, they hate the very country they swore an oath to protect and serve.
Watch the Episode of Tucker Carlson Show Referenced in this Podcast.
Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
Prepper Groups, Social Friends, and Antifa oh my! || Rated(R)
Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
Why I don't put much faith in groups even though as a species we tend to group-up. I thought about this while listening to my last video/podcast and wanted to get it out there.
It is time to become proactive with these Antifa nuts that call themselves Anti-Fascist, but that is exactly what they are, fascist.
If you would like to watch an awesome movie about the collapse of Cuba, and the rise of socialism I recommend "The Lost City", with Andy Garcia, here is a link.
I have been recording my podcasts lately on video, so This Podcast is also a Video
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Is Social Media the Death of Real Friends and Family?
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Change is in the wind for Prepper Guy
Most of my Social Channels will go away but not the Websites or these Podcasts.
I think we all place too much importance on Virtual Friends and Family, and less on Real Friends and Family. Time may be infinite, but our lives, here on Earth, is not.
Tuesday Jun 25, 2019
They (Lame-stream Media) Must Think We Are Stupid
Tuesday Jun 25, 2019
Tuesday Jun 25, 2019
When Was The Last Time You Believed A Word Out Of Their Mouths?
I know that the media has disdain for us Conservatives, we are gun-toting, Bible-thumping, deplorable's, hell they call most states, you know, America, the fly-over states after all.
Most of America to politicians is that land mass between LA and NY that have no sense, but do they really think we are a bunch of dumbasses?
We try and get our heads around the question: Do we even care what the media says, and do they even believe it themselves?
Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
Alone Season 6, First Impression | Final Thoughts, Cyber Armageddon
Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
Alone Season 6, First Impression
Liking this Season So Far, let's hope the producers don't screw it all up. I have received some heat in the past for getting mad at the medics from pulling one person and their misdiagnosis, but I'm over that now...let's move on.
Final Thoughts, The Cyber Armageddon Series by Mark Goodwin
Another Great Series by Mark Goodwin, loved it and all the people in it. My Favorite was the old Grumpy Preacher, but all of them were well written.
Hating on Groups...still!!!
Yep, no one will ever convince me to join a group, I'll stay in the America Group. I feel that groups become a small microcosm of what we have now in America, many agendas and disagreement, followed by bad decisions.
Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
Sarah Sanders steps down, she will be missed.
Republican voters admired her tactics: eight out of ten view her favorably, according to a Gallup poll from 2018. Even John Brummett, a liberal political columnist in Arkansas, who has written vicious things about Mike and Janet Huckabee, said that he likes, and in some ways admires, Sanders. And speaking of Polls!
Democrat presidential front-runner Joe (China) Biden, son, Hunter Biden had financial dealings with the Chinese government. Joe China Argues that his son's dealings did not influenced his views on China while V.P.
Giuliani wrote, "A Fox poll shows that Dems view ethics as critical and prefer Biden. That’s because warped media has covered up how he brought his son to China, and while he was caving in to China, his son got $1.5 billion investment from China. Corrupt media can’t hide it forever."
More on "A Plan To Save Our Republic"
In section 3, I talk a bit on how we could all implement this in our communities.
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
I Have A Plan To Save Our Republic | Prepper Guy 06-11-19 SOR001
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
I Have A Plan To Save Our Republic
...and no! it is not illegal, hell you won't even have to make stupid signs or go anywhere far away from home. This is a localized plan and will work, but we will need to get a little organized, but just a little.
Monday Jun 10, 2019
Grab the best seat on the sinking ship, or fight?
Monday Jun 10, 2019
Monday Jun 10, 2019
Grab the best seat on the sinking ship, or fight?
Grab the best seat on the sinking ship, or fight?
We have a choice here, we can continue to rehash to same old talking points and say, ain't it a shame, or we can figure out the problem and fix it.
It seems that most Americans are looking for the best seats on the ship while the band plays on. Most figure, what the hell!!! might as well grab the most status we can, than realize that we are on the Titanic, and it is sinking.
Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
You Brake it, You Own it | Let's finish what we started.
Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
America was once a great thing indeed, freedom and liberty abounded, but today...not so much. Where did we go wrong and is the "great experiment" salvageable?
Wednesday May 29, 2019
Trump walks out and "Stands" Tall | Memorial Day
Wednesday May 29, 2019
Wednesday May 29, 2019
Here are your hats Pelosi and Chuckles, Trump didn't kick them to the Curb but handed them their Hats for sure. The House says Trump has no Plan, Sorry Kids but that is their job, not the Presidents.
Tuesday May 21, 2019
Pro Life v Pro Choice | Double Speak
Tuesday May 21, 2019
Tuesday May 21, 2019
Are you Pro-Life or Pro-Choice what an F-ed up way to define how you feel about Freedom and Liberty?
Double Speak and how they frame these arguments put us in an either/or box, I believe in Life, and I also believe in Choice, so where do you draw the line?
Friday May 17, 2019
The Overton Window | Roe V Wade | Commonality
Friday May 17, 2019
Friday May 17, 2019
Most of this Podcast revolves around the Overton Widow and how it affects our lives, Policies, and thoughts. Some of my thinking on Roe v Wade and our commonality with other groups that may sound different and yet have the same goals.
The Overton Window, by Glenn Beck
A plan to destroy America, a hundred years in the making, is about to be unleashed . . . can it be stopped?
There is a powerful technique called the Overton Window that can shape our lives, our laws, and our future. It works by manipulating public perception so that ideas previously thought of as radical begin to seem acceptable over time. Move the Window and you change the debate. Change the debate and you change the country.
Monday May 13, 2019
Subliminal Messaging, or just Status-Quo
Monday May 13, 2019
Monday May 13, 2019
I'm listening to a great series by Bobby Akart called Doomsday, it is awesome and this is not a dig on his writing...but. My biggest pet peeve is when SHTF authors start talking about nutrition and never think, this is the FDA's "My Plate", I'll run with it. No other research, just Big Brothers word, when do Patriots and Preppers ever trust Big Brother, about anything?